
Dave Holt, CSP – Sales Performance Coach

Dave Holt has spent 29 years working in the training and development field.

In that time he has experienced many roles, which have included sales, sales management, sales coaching, consulting and facilitation. He is a lead Facilitator for the Canadian Professional Sales Association and a Certified Sales Professional (CSP) and Coach.

Dave’s client list spans all major industry segments including finance, manufacturing, telecommunications, consulting, specialty services and package goods. He has expert skills in, Sales, Sales Leadership, Sales Coaching and Presentation Skills.

Dave has delivered learning programs internationally in a variety of ways including, live satellite broadcasts to national audiences, large sales conferences and traditional classroom and workshop environments. His workshops are fast-paced, interactive and practical. He ensures that everyone learns something about themselves as they increase their knowledge of a specific topic and delivers in a very entertaining manner which enhances the learning experience.

Dave has designed and conducted workshops and seminars on a variety of topics, such as Professional Selling Skills, Strategic Account Management, Sales Leadership and Coaching, Effective Presentations and Team Building.

Dave has coached Sales Professionals, Sales Managers and Senior Management on major sales initiatives and presentation topics.

What is Dave’s perspective on sales development?

Organizations need to continually invest in improving the performance of their people. Sales and service people need to take responsibility for continuously learning and becoming the best they can be for their customer’s.

Great sales leadership becomes the foundation for success.